Social-Emotional Benefits of Nature Walk With Kids
Written By: Chanel Ashford
Nature walks are a great way to spend time with kids and get some exercise simultaneously. But did you know they have social-emotional benefits too? According to various studies, nature walks can help improve moods, reduce stress levels, and increase feelings of vitality.
So next time you're looking for something to do with your little ones, try a nature walk! Just 20 minutes of interacting with nature can decrease cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and increase positive feelings like relaxation and vigor.
9 Benefits of a Nature Walk with Kids
Boosts Self-Assurance:
As a parent, you want to give your child as much freedom and control over their lives as possible. Giving them access to outdoor spaces where they can explore without any limitations will help shape those critical skills for life!
Promotes Creativity and Imagination:
Unstructured play gives children a sense of freedom and creative expression that they would not otherwise be able to experience. They are given the opportunity, with no boundaries or preconceived notions on what is "correct, "to explore their surroundings in ways both exciting as well relaxing
Time to Teach Some Mathematical Concepts:
Point out different shapes and objects in nature for your child, like stones or leaves; this will give him an early introduction to mathematics!
What better way than by teaching through playful activities? Introduce these subjects when you engage with each other's hobbies together- it'll ignite their interest faster!
Awakened Tactile Awareness:
Let your child feel the textures and flavors of various things - from rough stone benches to soft feathers. Touching is an essential part of learning, so take advantage by allowing him access at every opportunity!
Makes for great kids' craft project: Have them make their leaf rubbings using anything they can find around the house (leaves work best!), then decorate them with markers or crayons before posting them on display boards throughout homes as decoration pieces.
Awaken Creativity
Together, show your little one the colors of leaves and flowers. Teach them to identify similar colors when she sees them by comparing them with another object in front or asking.
For example, "What do we have here?" encouragingly while pointing at something interesting like all pink-red stones; then let's pick up some feathers too! When home again - carefully put these different items into an album so they can be enjoyed later as part of collection without being forgotten about.
Create a sense of Responsibility
If a child is given responsibility for caring about their living things, they'll learn that not taking care of plants means the roots will grow back and make them more importantly visible.
Reduces the Amount of time Spent on Screens
We are all guilty of spending too much time on screens, but this doesn't have to be wrong. Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine is vital for maintaining good health. You don't have to go out every day, and willpower isn't always enough!
Planning a nature walk at least twice a month would make such an impactful difference in the lives of children and families. It would give kids the chance to explore new parts of their neighborhood, learn about other cultures, and get some fresh air and sunshine.
Language skills are Cultivated
Point out various things to your little one and identify them by their names. Encourage her to practice aloud the named object's name to learn more about what it is, where they live in nature or on Earth, if applicable.